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What was the most bone-chilling sentence a loved one ever said to you? When I was 6 years old, my 22 year brother-in-law raped me. Afterwards, he told me that if I ever tell anyone, it would break my sister’s heart and I would be put in a “home for wayward girls” where I would never see my family again. He continued raping me until I was almost 14, at which point I told my mother (monster). She did nothing about it except to put me on birth control pills so I wouldn’t get pregnant with my sister’s husband’s kid. My sister did nothing except accuse me of enticing him and said the entire thing was all my fault. 50 years after the initial rape and with the help of the State Attorney of Florida, he was arrested for what he did to me. My sister mortgaged their house to bail him out of jail and the SA dismissed the case without prejudice because they could not find any of his other victims who could testify on my behalf. (They were all dead) Coincidence??? I think not. To this day, thi...
Obodorudu has made it to the final of a wrestling event and is guaranteed at least a Silver Medal. Blessing Oborodudu will win a medal at the Olympics (Reuters) Blessing Oborodudu will win a medal at the Olympics (Reuters) 12 days into the 2021 Tokyo Olympics , Team Nigeria has finally gotten a medal through Blessing Oborodudu in the 68kg event of wrestling. Oborodudu on Monday, August 2, 2021 recorded an impressive victory against Battsetseg Soronzonbold in a semi-final clash. The Nigerian got a 7-2 victory against Soronzonbold of Mongolia. Blessing Oborodudu (Reuters) Oborodudu has made it to the final of the event with her victory and is guaranteed at least a Silver Medal in the ongoing Olympics. The 32-year-old is also the first Nigerian to make it to the final of an Olympic Games. Oborududu is certified in Nigerian wrestling. She has fought at 10 African Wrestling Championships and won a Gold Medal at every one of these championships. This is he...
Due to some recent situations,we've been unable to continue our day to day activities,and as we all know Mazke music nation is always ready to set a real path for all signee in the industry,so therefore,we all know yesterday night was the label stakeholders meeting,and that had been a tradition,we follow the current situation and had made arrangements for an online platform,as all votes came through from stakeholders yesterday night,a memo had been raised by Mr Collins from south Africa to make all new signed go through the normal drilling,and we all agreed on it ,so we are imploring all new signed to please keep meeting up with all updates,cause we have great plans for you all,so please make it possible for us,so this are the new updates. The board of directors of mazke music nation,decide to 1)not force any signed to do anything concerning their career,cause we the one spending money on your career and you can't still expect us to be forcing you or chasing you around to plac...